Tuesday 12 August 2008

12th August 2008 - Tabs 1 - 40

I decided to do something different today so started on preparing the fuselage to take the interior. First up the were the tabs that will support the seat bottoms. The bit that needed thought was where to position the panels relative to the various sizes of tubing. I decided to set them in behind the main cross bar so they sit directly on the side and centre diagonals. This mean't I would need plenty of support on the back of the cross bar and on the cross member at the base of the fuselage behind the seats. These got 18 tabs each at 2 inch centres. Four additional tabs were then located in the middle of each of the side and centre diagonals so 40 in all. The welding is quick and easy but it takes a couple of minutes each to jig the tab into position. I'm waiting on some sheets of 0.050" 6061-T6 aluminium which I will use to for the seat bottoms and backs and then I've got an interesting idea for a housing for the flap lever but will reveal that when its been tried out.
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