I started today by cutting out the right side front window. Then I cut out two strips of 0.050" thick aluminium which were bent using the bending brake into 90 degree right angle sections. These were then bent to match the shape of the edge of the windscreen using the shrinker tool shown in the last photo. This is a new toy bought to do this job and worked well. Using the second set of jaws it can also stretch metal to produce an outside curve. Once a good fit was achieved the right angle sections were match drilled to the fuselage tabs and windscreen. The legs of the angles were then cut to the minimum size needed to just cover the windscreen mounting tabs

and the windscreen mounting channel. The aim was to minimise the impact on visibility whilst making the installation look as neat as possible. The holes through the angles, windscreen and tabs were then opened up to take a #8 screw. The holes in the angles were dimpled to allow countersunk screws to fit flush with their surface and the windscreen holes countersunk to match. Next a strip of aluminium was bent to join the windscreen to the top flange of the firewall. This needed about a 15 degree bend
along it's length

to provide a neat join. This was then match drilled to the windscreen and front windscreen support tabs. Next job is to open up these holes for the countersunk #8 screws and match drill the strip to the firewall itself where it will be eventually riveted into place. So that's three items checked off the list (
http://tailwindbuild.blogspot.com/2009/03/25th-march-2009-list.html) and another nearly complete and today I didn't add any unlike yesterday when it was four done and four added!