The tubing arrived so I made a start on the engine mount. First job was the cut four short lengths of 3/4" * 0.120 tubing and weld them to 3/32" thick washers. These take the bolts which pass through the rubber bushes that mount the engine and are shown in the first picture on a
piece of scrap board. The undercarriage mount was then bolted through the jig frame
(http://tailwindbuild.blogspot.com/2008/05/4th-may-2008-engine-mountings.html) to the work bench. The piece of scrap board was drilled with four holes to the exact pattern required for the mount bolts (11.5" * 9.5") and the holes duplicated in the building board
symmetrically about the centre line of the undercarriage mount and 10" up from the bottom of the fuselage as called for in the plans. Next came the magic courtesy of Earl Luce and the
EAA web site
http://www.eaa.org/video/homebuilders.html?videoId=16346696001 . Four lengths of 1/2" threaded rod were fastened to the holes in the building board with a pair of nuts and
washers each. Then an additional nut was positioned on each rod and the engine mounts placed on top. Finally the scrap board was positioned over the rods and washers and nuts added. The board was then leveled exactly 10-3/8" above the workbench (9-3/16" + thickness of the frame) by adjusting the nuts. The top nuts were then tightened to clamp everything in place. Next it was a case of cutting and tacking the various lengths of 1/2" * 0.058" tubing into place (the fourth picture shows the first pair of tubes in position) until finally all the tubing was installed. Tomorrow, it all gets final welded.