Tuesday, 31 March 2009
30th March 2009 - Stringers complete
29th March 2009 - An Engine!
Saturday, 28 March 2009
28th March 2009 - Fabric support tabs
Thursday, 26 March 2009
26th March 2009 - Left rear window mount and left side stringers
25th March 2009 - The List!
- Weld in place left forward sections of fuselage side stringers (1/2” * 0.035” 4130 tube)
- Weld in place left mount tubes for rear sections of fuselage stringers
- Braze in place left stringer supports
- Match drill left stringers to supports
- Weld in place right forward sections of fuselage side stringers (1/2” * 0.035” 4130 tube)
- Weld in place right mount tubes for rear sections of fuselage stringers
- Braze in place right stringer supports
- Match drill right stringers to supports
- Fabricate right window mounting angles
- Fabricate right front window
- Fabricate right fuselage cheek panel
- Fabricate left seat outer filler panel and install mount tabs
- Fabricate right seat outer filler panel and install mount tabs
- Fabricate left rear window surround and install mount tabs
- Fabricate right rear window surround and install mount tabs
- Fabricate left rear window
- Fabricate right rear window
- Order tubing to fabricate engine mount
- Fabricate engine mount
- Fabricate left above door panel and install mount tabs
- Fabricate right above door panel and install mount tabs
- Fabricate left window to main screen angle
- Fabricate right window to main screen angle
- Fabricate left above-door panel to main screen angle
- Fabricate right above-door panel to main screen angle
- Fabricate and install left strut fuselage mount
- Fabricate and install right strut fuselage mount
- Cut antenna mount panel to final size
- Install baggage compartment mount tabs
- Purchase baggage compartment panelling
- Fabricate baggage compartment angles
- Fabricate baggage compartment walls and floor
- Fabricate and install rudder hinge fabric support plates
- Fabricate and install left elevator hinge fabric support plates
- Fabricate and install right elevator hinge fabric support plates
- Fabricate windscreen to firewall seal angle
- Fabricate left door panelling
- Install left door window support tabs
- Fabricate left door window
- Fabricate right door panelling
- Install right door window support tabs
- Fabricate right door window
- Install cable support tabs - panel to autopilot servo
- Install cable support tabs - panel to strobe pack
- Install cable support tabs - strobe pack to left wing root
- Install cable support tabs - strobe pack to right wing root
- Install cable support tabs - panel to antenna
- Install cable support tabs – panel to control column
- Install cable support tabs - panel to front underside panel for transponder antenna
- Install cable support tabs - strobe pack to rear of vertical stabiliser
- Fabricate and install mounts for flexible brake pipe terminations
- Fabricate and install rear battery mount (option for forward CofG)
- Fabricate and install firewall battery mount (option for rearward CofG)
- Install cable support tabs – firewall forward to rear battery mount
- Fabricate and install leg intersection fairing mount tabs
- Fabricate co-pilot control column extension
- Fabricate and install VOR antenna mount in vertical stabiliser
- Close rudder front spar tubing top and bottom
- Install pitot tubing support mounts
- Install static tubing support mounts
- Install static port plates
- Fabricate and install rear left seat belt mounts
- Fabricate and install front left seat belt mounts
- Fabricate and install rear right seat belt mounts
- Fabricate and install front right seat belt mounts
- Redo left front window
- Fabricate left internal above door panel
- Fabricate right internal above door panel
- Rework undercarriage mount to level fuselage
- Fabricate and install rear spar carry through cover
- Fabricate left rear window sill and fuselage diagonal cover
- Fabricate right rear window sill and fuselage diagonal cover
- Redo between seat fill panel and tabs
- Space door latches off door frames by an additional 1/8"
- Redo upper fuel tank straps
- Check all tabs are drilled to final size and install all missing nutplates
- Install mounts for tank breather line
- Install mount for transponder antenna
- Install support for firewall mounted gascolator
- Install support for firewall mounted tranducer manifold
- Install support for firewall mounted master and starter relays
- Install support for firewall mounted brake reservoir
- Install support for firewall mounted cabin heat valve
- Install support for firewall mounted electric fuel pump
- Fabricate shoulder seat belt attach cables
- Cut out side panels and flap lever cover to clear seat belts
- Fabricate and install shoulder seat belt attach cable support through baggage compartment rear bulkhead
- Drill firewall for throttle control
- Drill firewall for mixture control
- Drill firewall for carb heat control
- Drill firewall for power cabling
- Drill firewall for sensor and transducer cabling
- Drill firewall for cabin heat control
- Drill firewall for primer pipes
- Install support for firewall mounted vacuum regulator
- Install support for firewall mounted fusible link mounting
And that's all there is to it!
Update 27th March 2009, added 59,60,61 completed 1,2,3,4
Update 28th March 2009, completed 33,34,35,58
Update 30th March, completed 5,6,7,8, added 62,63,64,65
Update 31st March, completed 10, 22, 23
Update 1st April, completed 24,36
Update 3rd April, completed 9,11,20,21,25,28
Update 11th April, completed 18
Update 13th April, completed 37
Update 14th April, completed 14,16,39, added 66, N/A 38,41,57
Update 18th April, completed 61
Update 20th April, completed 69, added 67, 68, 69
Update 21st April, completed 15, 17
Update 23rd April, completed 19
Update 24th April, completed 62,63,64,65
Update 28th April, completed 12, added 70
Update 7th May, completed 67
Update 10th May, completed 29, 31, 70, 71, added 71, 72
Update 11th May, completed 13, 68, 72, added 73
Update 12th May, completed 40, 42, 66, added 74
Update 14th May, completed 26, 27, added 75, 76
Update 15th May, added 77
Update 16th May, completed 51,75
Update 17th May, completed 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 59, 60, N/A 52, 54, deferred 30, 32
Update 18th May, completed 77, 78, added 78
Update 25th May, completed 73, 85, added 79-94
Update 30th May, completed 74, 76, 86, 87
Update 16th July, completed 32, added 95, 96
Update 21st July, completed 82, 83, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 94, N/A 55, 93
Update 22nd July, completed 53, 80, 81, 96
Update 24th July, completed 79, 84, 95, deferred 56
Sunday, 22 March 2009
21st March - Left cheek and window
Monday, 16 March 2009
15th March 2009 - Fuselage top complete
Next job was to braze the supports for the left and right top fuselage stringers. The middle ones
Note the offset of the bottom of the rudder to the left of the aircraft compared to the centre stringer to counteract engine torque. In hindsight, for esthetic reasons, I should probably have also offset the central stringer but I don't suppose this is a view which will often be seen in the finished aircraft. Then the panel that closes the gap between the rear of the windscreen and the fabric of the fuselage top was match drilled to it's support tabs. Finally the windscreen was drilled for the tank filler cap using a holesaw through the jig made earlier http://tailwindbuild.blogspot.com/2008/11/5th-november-2008-installed-fuel-tank.html This was done in a slow turning hand drill and then the hole sanded smooth to ensure that there are no stress risers that can propogate cracks.
Saturday, 14 March 2009
14th March 2009 - Rudder cable lead-outs, engine decision
Next job was to position and weld into place tabs 244 -247 which provide the mount for the strobe power pack. There will be strobe lights in both wingtips and possibly the tail (if the dollar exchange rate improves!). The power pack only weighs 1lb so won't impact weight and balance much. I positioned it just behind station 78 to keep any interference away from the radios and antenna.
Final job today was to weld two plates to the fuselage diagonals just behind the firewall. These will be drilled to mount two sections of aluminium angle which will support the ends of the fuel tank. This isn't in the plans but it seemed to me that the stainless steel bands that support the tank might one day crack or the braze give way and a loose fuel tank could really spoil your day so a little belt and braces wouldn't be a bad thing.
The big decision of the last week is that I'm definitely going to go with a Lycoming O-235 engine. These are available mid-time at a sensible price, are rock-solid reliable, weigh the right amount to make the weight and balance work and as I've already installed a Lycoming in my Vans RV9A - I know what I'm doing with this make of engine. The various versions of the O-235 range from about 108 to 118hp which should give about a 150mph cruise in a Tailwind. I still can't build the engine mount until I find a specific engine as there are two types versions - straight mount, or dynafocal. The other engine considered include:
Continental O-200: 100hp, less available and overall more expensive: purchase cost, rebuild cost, TBO.
Continental O-300: 145hp, very heavy, mods to wing spars needed to meet LAA requirements, 6 cylinder so very expensive rebuild cost, reliability not as good as Lycoming
Jabiru 3300: 120hp, very light so may cause W+B problems, expensive as no significant second hand market, power developed at 3300rpm so difficult to prop to get maximum effect.
Rotax 912/914: 100-115hp, very light so may cause W+B problems, expensive as no significant second hand market, engine runs at high revs so uses a gearbox. Complex install, both air and water cooled.
Lycoming O-320: 150-160hp, mods to wing spars needed to meet LAA requirements, good value but inconsistent with my objective of building a light responsive Tailwind rather than one for out-and-out cruise performance
Friday, 13 March 2009
13th March 2009 - Autopilot servo
Second job was to create the mount for the wing leveller autopilot servo. I'm using a Trio Ez Pilot, same as in my RV9A. This unit is fairly competitively priced and works superbly. What does an aircraft with no engine, propellor, wings, or covering need? an autopilot obviously. Actually it is convenient to do all these sorts of jobs while the internal structure is fully accessible. First a attach bracket fabricated from 0.071" 4130 plate was cut out, drilled, and welded to the aileron control horn. The three holes drilled in this will allow the sensitivity of the autopilot to be tuned. Tabs 240-243 were then welded to the rear of the lower cross member under the back of the seats and to the diagonal just behind this. Two pieces of 3/4" * 3/4" * 1/8" aluminium angle were then cut to sit on top of the cross member and diagonal and match drilled to the tabs. Next the autopilot servo was positioned to allow a straight linkage from the servo horn to the aileron horn and match drilled to the support angles. Finally the servo pushrod was fabricated from 1/2" aluminium tube as per the instructions for the autopilot. Note the large washers under the bolt heads that connect the ends. These ensure that even if the Heim joints fail, the pushrod will be retained on the bolts. The Trio instructions call for a control throw of 1.5-2.4". I've got 2" so that should work well.