That's four items off the list and one more well underway. First job today was to weld into place lengths of 1/2" * 0.035 tubing to form the front sections of the two left-side fuselage stringers. The top stringer could all have been aluminium but by using a length of steel tubing it was then possible to weld the support tabs for the bottom of the rear window frame directly onto it. The bottom section is only short but was needed to create a smooth joint into the fuselage side diagonal which is too close to the rear door post to allow the stringer to pass over it as

is the case with all the other fuselage members. Two short stubs of 3/8" tubing were then welded into place, one on the back of the diagonal, and one into the 1/2" steel tube. These are used as the front mounts for the two lengths of aluminium tubing that are used for the rest of the stringers. Next tabs 248-262 were welded onto the fuselage members that surround the rear window to support the window frame. The first picture shows three stand-off tabs jigged into position on the diagonal. These are

needed to create a smooth line for the frame from the upper longeron to the stringer. The second picture shows the last of the tabs after welding still held in the jig used to position it flush with the longeron. Final job today was to braze into place the supports for the rear sections of the stringers and to match drill the stringers onto the supports. As with all of the stringers, these will be pop riveted onto the mounts from the inside to keep a smooth line where the fabric lies over them.