Then it was a case of brushing (using a foam brush) more EkoBond, thinned 10% with water, over the entire surface of the wing and, as before, all excess glue was removed. I found that gluing about 2 sq ft at a time was about optimum to ensure that the excess glue could be removed easily.
Finally I made off the ends of the wing. and the trailing edge. The cloth will wrap round the leading edge and overlap the bottom cloth by 3". However no finishing tapes are required as the cloth will be completely bonded to the wood. According to Jason, it should be possible to avoid the join being visible by using a small amount of primer on top of the EkoFill to level out the cloth edge. I used about 300g of glue to fix the cloth and as much of this is wiped off the approach looks like being lightweight. All together covering the first wing surface took about 3 hours - not too bad!