The lift struts had been cut to length and the top tack welded when the wings were first fitted to the aircraft Fitting the lift struts
However, the top end needed to be final welded and a supporting rap of 0.071" steel sheet cut and bent to fit to provide additional strength. This was a fairly long and tricky bit of work that I had been putting off for some time. However, a satisfactory result was achieved and the struts were test fit to the wings to ensure that the shoulders of the struts fitted properly into the brackets bolted to the wingspar.
Then the hinges for the left aileron and flap were cut and welded. As with the right wing a fillet of braze metal was run into the acute angle of the hinge to ensure that the joint was robust. You can see in the hinges holes drilled in what will be the top of the hinge - these will be used for lubricating the hinge.