Today I drilled the spar roots for the spar attach brackets. First I drilled a piece of 3/4" thick aluminium with 3/16" and 1/4" holes using the drill press. This would then act as a guide to ensure the holes were drilled accurately through the spars. The the attach brackets were positioned over the line of the bushes glued into the spar and the holes drilled one at a time with a bolt inserted in each hole before drilling the next. The drill guide worked well and all of the holes came out accurately in line with the

holes in the far side of the attach brackets.
Then the spar roots were notched to fit snugly into the root rib with the rear top section of the root rib aligned with the tops of the main ribs as per the plans.
The lower main and rear spar caps were glued into place between the ribs.
The strut attach is into the main spar between ribs 7 and 8. The LAA require that the holes for this are also bushed and that the spar is reinforced with 1/4" ply either side. Their specification for 12-ply material. As this doesn't seem to exist I cut 4 pieces of 1/16" birch three ply

and epoxied these together alternating the grain direction, clamping them between layers of plastic to wait for the epoxy to set.