I finished the sanding of the wing ready for covering today and then decided to match drill the ailerons and flaps to the wing structure before covering so that it would be easy to get the holes correctly aligned. I used two small pieces of 1/8" thick fibreglass top and bottom to represent the thickness of the wing skins (3/32") and the fabric covering and paint and two more pieces either side of the hinge to space the torque rod off the aileron spar. This 1/8" gap will allow room for the fabric covering of the control surfaces to wrap round their leading edges as well as provide clearance for the fabric covering the wing. The torque tube was clamped into position against the aileron spar and the hinges match drilled through the support blocks in the wing structure. The lower picture shows the aileron mass balance which in normal flght is in a slot flush between the wing and wing tip.