First jobs are to rework the little bits and pieces that have been niggling because they are not as good as they could be.
Previously I have shown the linear bearing used to support the elevator pushrod. This was a beautiful piece of engineering but was adding too much friction to the control linkage. This was a result of two issues. First, the bearing had a rubber oil seal at both ends which was tight on the pushrod. Second, the bearing is designed for a precision 3/4" rod rather than the 4130 tubing forming the pushrod.
The challenge was to replace the bearing without remaking the pushrod. This was accomplished by drilling a clearance hole in some Delrin (acetal) rod and then sawing it in half. The two halves were then inserted into a piece of tubing of the same external diameter as the original bearing and secured using grub screws. This was then inserted in place of the bearing and has provided a very smooth support for the pushrod with very little friction