Thursday, 31 July 2008
31st July 2008 - Right Elevator Complete
Wednesday, 30 July 2008
30th July 2008 - Right Elevator
The tubing for the right elevator was cut and fit into position on the building board. Note the use of drills to space the thinner tubing off the board to get the centre lines to match with the 3/4" front spar. It is essential to fabricate and install the hinges on the spar before welding up the ends - got that right. However, it is also essential to install the hinges before flattening the end of the 3/4" tubing to match the top rib - oops!
The elevator actuating arm is set at 13 degrees from the vertical to get a right angle with the elevator pushrod at elevator neutral position.
I used the tubing notcher with a 3/4" hole saw to form the front end of the two pieces of channel into the curve to fit the front spar. First the two sides of the channel were tack welded together to get the required 3/4" overall width then the holesaw could cut a neat arc out for an accurate fit with the spar.
The top joint between the rear section of the end rib and the front has been left open to allow the elevator horn to be filled with lead to balance the elevator - that's a job for tomorrow once I work out how. Other than that, all that's left on the right elevator is to final braze the joints and clean up the flux.
Tuesday, 29 July 2008
29th July 2008 - Main Undercarriage Mount 2
The mount was then removed from the frame and test fit on the fuselage. The bolts went into place with only a little help from an "Irish screwdriver" :-)
Next job is to cut out the central sections of the undercarriage socket reinforcing tubes and hone the bores to take the 1-1/2" tubing that supports the undercarriage legs but this will wait until the missing diagonal is in place to make sure nothing moves while it is welded.
Monday, 28 July 2008
29th July 2008 - Tail Light Mount
28th July 2008 - Main Undercarriage Mount
Started to set up the main undercarriage mount which forms the rear section of the engine mount. Using the frame that was fabricated previously
the mount corners were located on the mount bolts.
Each undercarriage leg is 1-3/8" diameter. They fit into a sockets made of 12" lengths of 1-1/2" tubing, which in turn have collars of 1-5/8" tubing reinforcing them at top and bottom. To start the build of the mount the 1-5/8" reinforcing tubes were set at 40 degrees to the frame vertical centre-line and supporting brackets screwed to the building board to ensure that these angles were preserved as the tubes were raised to the required 28 degrees to the horizontal. The reinforcing tubes were then tack welded to the supporting brackets and the bottom mounts. Eventually most of the central section of the reinforcing tubes will be cut away but the mount will be completed before this is removed to ensure that the two pairs of collars are accurately in-line to take the 1-1/2" tubing and that the 1-3/8" bores of the mount sockets are not distorted by the welding process. The the bottom tie bar was fabricated and tacked in place. Next job is to fabricate the the rest of the various mount tie bars and tack them into place before final welding.
Saturday, 26 July 2008
26th July 2008 - Admiring the handiwork
25th July 2008 - Rudder cables and return springs
I've decided to install return springs on the rudder pedals to apply some gentle tension to the rudder cables and avoid the pedals falling forward. These were installed by welding small loops of 1/8" steel rod to the front of the rudder lever arms and the firewall sides. The springs are the ACS 4-1/2" rudder return springs originally intended for the Vari-eze.
The cables were then fabricated using 1/8" cable and nico-press fittings. These were attached to the rudder lever arms using 4 short lengths of 0.050" 4130 plate drilled for 3/16" bolts. The same approach will be used at the rear of the aircraft to attach to the rudder with the spacing of the holes in the plates drilled to exactly centre both the rudder pedals and rudder
24th July 2008 - Fin Complete
Sunday, 20 July 2008
20th July 2008 - Fin
I then welded together the two pairs of channel in the angles required to meet at the fin trailing edge. These were then braised to the trailing edge and fin main spar taking care to keep the alignment with the rudder trailing edge. The top pair of channels were then curved round to fit over the stubs on centre spar and profiled to blend with the leading edge. A tack weld was used to fasten the top pair of channels to the fin leading edge before completing the joint with brazing as called for in the plans. Just need to do the same to the lower pair of channels and clean up the brazed joints and that's the fin complete except for installing a mount for the rear position light - haven't decided how to do this yet.
Friday, 18 July 2008
18th July 2008 - Rudder Complete
Only thing left before priming is to get all the brazing flux off the rudder. In theory this will come off with water - in theory.....
Thursday, 17 July 2008
17th July 2008 - Rudder Mount
Next job was to drill the lower section of the fin spar for the 5/16" tube that passes through it to provide the stiffener for the lower rudder bearing bolt. The fin spar was indented slightly round the holes to allow the weld to lie flush with the spar surface when the cross tube was welded.
The lower rudder pivot was then fabricated. The pivot arms were bolted in position and the bush positioned between them with a small section of 1" tube inserted behind it to match the spacing of the top pivot. The arms were then tack welded onto the bush. The outside of the joint between the arms and the bush were then final welded and the interior brazed to provide additional strength.
The rudder front spar was then positioned in its two pivots and the upper locating piece tacked to it to set the position of the bottom pivot on the spar. The rudder front spar was then removed and the two locating pieces final welded to locate the bottom pivot in position.
The rudder horn and tailwheel horns were then fabricated and welded to the rudder spar and the rudder spar installed. Next job is to route the rudder cables and build the linkage between the rudder and the tail wheel.
Wednesday, 16 July 2008
15th July 2008 - Flap Control Lever
The flap lever inner was then fabricated with a vertical slot through which the semi-circular flap position tube passes. At the bottom of the slot a disc was braised in place with a vertical 1/8" pin in the centre. This locates in holes in the semi-circular flap position tube to lock the flaps into their various positions. The top of the inner was closed with another disc of metal braised in place to provide the "thumb" position. The inner then inserts into the outer part of the lever with a spring underneath it to load the inner from underneath and push the pin towards the semi-circular flap position tube. The whole mechanism was then located in place through the bearing and the AN3 bolt inserted.
Next the semi-circular flap position tube was fabricated from 5/16" 4130 steel rod. This has to be bent to a perfect 3-1/4" radius semi-circle. This was a case of many many iterations of heat-bend-measure using a set of parallel arcs drawn on the work surface. Finally the curve was as good as I could get it and the semi-circular flap position tube inserted into the flap lever and positioned. The two short sections of 5/16" tubing that connect the semi-circular flap position tube to the fuselage centre support were then fabricated and with the lever in the most forward position the front tube tacked into place to locate the front of the arc. The lever was then moved to the upright position and the rear tube tacked into place to locate the rear of the arc and set the vertical positioning. The flap lever movement was then tested and the arc adjusted until the lever could move from fully forward to upright without any binding. This needed three iterations of cutting the rear tack - making very small changes in the arc bend and then re-tacking until finally the lever could move through its full range without binding. Then the front and rear arc supports were final welded.
Final job was to drill the holes in the arc to allow the pin in the lever inner to locate the flaps. I decided to set flap positions of 0, 7.5, 15, 30 and 40 degrees. The pushrods to the flap levers were connected and the flap levers located in place on a dummy flap tube. Using a digital level a zero degree baseline was set and the semi-circular flap position tube drilled to locate the lever in that position. Then each subsequent position was marked and drilled in turn.
The result is excellent - like much of Wittman's design it is simple, elegant and functional. The flap lever inner acts like the knob on a car handbrake and the flap positions can be selected quickly and accurately with immediate visual evidence of flap position and secure location. Would that many certified aircraft had mechanisms so simple and foolproof!
15th July 2008 - Flap Torque tube
This approach of using Delrin blocks for the flap torque tube mounts exactly mirrors the standard practice in the Vans RV range of aircraft.
14th July 2008 - Rework 3
13th July 2008 - Rework 2
The solution was to cut off the three existing mounts and replace these with 0.071" 4130 sheet fabricated to support 16mm Delrin (acetal) blocks. The side plates were welded to the inside of the lower fuselage longerons. The centre one was welded on top of the lower diagonal and brake support tubes. The Delrin blocks were drilled at the requisite angle to provided the bearings for the torque tubes. As can be seen in the picture, the right hand mount was fabricated in a "U" shape to allow the rudder torque tube to be lifted out from that side and then slid out of the left hand mount. The centre Delrin support was made in two halves for easy removal. The bolts in the picture are temporary and will be replaced with machine screws countersunk into the Delrin to allow the fuselage sides to fit flat.
This approach of using Delrin blocks for the rudder torque tube mounts exactly mirrors the standard practice in the Vans RV range of aircraft.
Together the changes have much improved the freedom of movement of the rudder pedals as well as allowing them to be removed if necessary.
12th July 2008 - Rework
First jobs are to rework the little bits and pieces that have been niggling because they are not as good as they could be.
Previously I have shown the linear bearing used to support the elevator pushrod. This was a beautiful piece of engineering but was adding too much friction to the control linkage. This was a result of two issues. First, the bearing had a rubber oil seal at both ends which was tight on the pushrod. Second, the bearing is designed for a precision 3/4" rod rather than the 4130 tubing forming the pushrod.
The challenge was to replace the bearing without remaking the pushrod. This was accomplished by drilling a clearance hole in some Delrin (acetal) rod and then sawing it in half. The two halves were then inserted into a piece of tubing of the same external diameter as the original bearing and secured using grub screws. This was then inserted in place of the bearing and has provided a very smooth support for the pushrod with very little friction
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