Starter engaged warning light
magneto switches
master switch
starter push button
digital compass
vacuum gauge
mode S transponder
pilot headset
Airspeed indicator
Trio Easypilot autopilot head (away for service)
Location for Attitude indicator (vacuum plumbing still to be done)
Location for Directional Indicator
Vertical Speed indicator
Carb Heat control
Carb Temp, Oil Pressure, Voltage and Autopilot engaged warning lights
Multi-function display as described previously
Garmin SL30 Nav/Comm
King KMD150 GPS
Throttle and Mixture controls
Oil Pressure and Temperature
Switched breakers for Nav lights, strobes, Fuel Pump and Autopilot
Cabin Heat control
Fuel Gauge
EGT and CHT gauge
Breakers for the Alternator field and Starter solenoid
Emergency power switch
2 spare 2-1/4" instrument cut-outs
Power outlet
passenger headsets
As can be seen in the pictures, the throttle, mixture and carb heat controls pass directly from the panel through the firewall. They will be final installed through the tubes installed in the fuel tank. In addition the primer lines will also go through the fuel tank. All cables pass over the fuel tank and then route under the floor to the rear of the aircraft or through the firewall as applicable. The routes through the firewall are protected with large grommets which themselves will eventually be protected with stainless steel shields and high temperature sealant in the engine bay.
looking at the firewall from inside the cabin, the main cable bundles are from left to right.
Magneto cables (kept clear of everything else to reduce possible interference), Comm and transponder antenna, instrumentation cables, GPS and Nav antenna cables, Main power lines, switched power lines (e.g. lights, strobes etc.)