Wednesday 30 September 2009

30th September 2009 - Identical ribs

The production of ribs is underway again and I've also started the process of getting them precisely identical and perfectly matching the outline on the plan. First one of the ribs was sanded using a disc sander to final shape. This was then designated as the master. Using stub sections of front and rear spar the other ribs can then be located below the master. A trimming bit is then used in a bench mounted router to match each rib to the master. The picture shows the forward end of the lower rib being trimmed to match the master. The router cutter has a small bearing of exactly the same diameter as the cutter itself. The router is positioned to let this bearing ride on the master and the cutter then matches the profile of the new rib to the master. Using this approach the ribs can be matched perfectly ready for final installation on the spars. The use of the router table ensures that the sides of the ribs are perfectly at right angles to the faces. Moreover the process is very quick - a couple of minutes per rib yields the final result. The router is also very useful for trimming any excess gusset from round the edge of the rib. Run the bearing on the capstick and any overlap of the gusset or any glue is quickly removed.
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