Wednesday 29 July 2009

29th July 2009 - Off to the sandblasters

No it's not a new attempt to make a flying car! Today I loaded the airframe onto the roof of the car, put all the various loose bits like rudders and elevators in the boot and headed off to the company who are going to sandblast and paint the airframe. Its amazing how light the complete airframe is considering that its completely made of steel. With my wife's help it was easy to lift onto the car and secure it safely. I decided to get the painting done professionally as the Epibond epoxy primer is pretty unpleasant stuff and I haven't got the appropiate breathing equipment to allow you to spray without inhaling the fumes. So next time the airframe is pictured it should be looking very smart in it's white primer coat. The fabric glue is designed to stick directly to the primer and I will only top coat areas that are exposed to view in the cockpit.
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