I hadn't been happy with the left rear window as previously built and after finishing it also realised that I hadn't really thought through fitting the fabric. Firstly, the window would have to be screwed in place after the fabric was fitted and my uneven screw positions would show, albeit under the paint. Secondly, with the positioning of the lower mount tabs the fabric would not be able to

be folded round the window opening and stuck neatly to the inside of the window frame to make a smooth surface for the window to screw to. Finally, I didn't want to build the right side the same but did want them to match. Only one solution: re-do it. There were two possible options: completely reposition the upper stringer or move the lower mount tabs so that they wouldn't interfere with the window. The first solution will be how I do it next time I build a Tailwind, but more work than was reasonable this time. So, I cut off the lower mount tabs and re-welded new tabs to the bottom of the stub stringer. One extra tab was also welded into place to improve the support of the over-door panel (number 267!). Then a new window surround was made and match drilled to the mount tabs. Finally a new window was cut out and drilled to the surround with a neat even row of holes this time. As before the holes were deburred and dimpled in the frame and countersunk in the window to take #6 screws. I also decided to change the shape of the window this time and set the angle of the front edge to be a mirror image of the line of the back of the front side window. I think it looks better but design isn't my strong point.