Jigged up the location of the Elevator front spar where the elevator horns mount. This allowed the measurement and construction of the elevator pushrod. This revealed that the pushrod would foul on the fuselage diagonal originally running to station 163. This mean't cutting the tube off the 163 cluster, shortening it to clear the pushrod and then rewelding at about 159 and making good the 163 cluster. The elevator horns are jigged to a 13 degree forward tilt at neutral stick position. The plans show a strengthening plate at the forward end of the pushrod where the busing attaches that links to the control mechanism.
Strengthening was also added at the rear end as the joint is critical to having elevator operation.
Finally, the horizontal stabiliser (HS) front attach plates were welded to the fuselage. These will be drilled in assembly for a range of HS incidences to allow the aircraft to be trimmed for neutral elevator trim at cruise speed in order to minimise drag.