The first picture shows the clay used to create the former for laying up the intersection fairings on the right gear leg. The film is used to stop the clay drying out and cracking.
The film was removed from the left leg and wax applied to the area to ensure the layup of fibreglass would release without damaging the paintwork. Note the shim of aluminium at the rear to separate the two sides and allow the fairings to be removed and re-installed.

Three layers of fibreglass were applied using vinyl-ester resin. Once this had partially hardened the fairing was removed and the clay cleaned up. The fairings were then match drilled to the air-frame and will be allowed to fully harden overnight. This should ensure they are a good fit. Once I have done the fairing for the right leg it will then be a case of lots of filling and sanding to get a good surface before painting. I estimate this is going to be a full week's work.