Friday, 11 January 2013
11th January 2013 - Left wing plumbing and wiring
The final job on the wing before gluing on the top skin was to install all necessary plumbing, wiring, and components. This comprises the tubing to the pitot, the remote compass and its wiring, and the cables for the wingtip strobe and navigation light. 5/8" holes were drilled through the three sheeted ribs to take SB625-8 plastic bushes. The holes in the inboard rib were positioned so the wires and tubing will pass directly into the rear spar cover and connect to the wiring in the fuselage. The wiring to the remote compass was kept separate from the strobe wiring to ensure that no interference would take place. Wires were secured to the lower skin using self-adhesive cable tie bases and were protected as they pass over the ribs using spiral wrap.
The second picture shows the pitot mount with the pitot installed. The mount is screwed to the back of the spar with 1/2" stainless steel #8 screws and glued to the lower wing skin with a slurry of epoxy mixed with microballoons. This provides a light but stiff seal between the shape of the lower skin and the straight bottom plate on the pitot mount. As the picture shows it will be easy to check both the pitot and the strut attach as well as the general condition of the inside of the wing through the access panel.