The workshop has disappeared under a layer of sawdust and wood shavings again but the wing structures for both wings are now complete and sanded ready for covering. The wingtips have come together well, carrying the profile of the main rib accurately as the wing tapers to the tip. You can just about see in the picture the way in which the top of the main spar stays flat throughout the wingtip but the lower edge tapers up. Next job is a major clean and tidy to create some room as I need to get the fuselage back from storage. I'm going to test mount the wings, finish the struts, and set the wing incidence before covering the wings. This will allow me to make any adjustments necessary as easily as possible. At the moment the rear spar attach bracket is not yet drilled to the spar on the right wing. This will give me a small amount of flexibility to set exactly the incidence of the two wings to be the same. Hopefully, all the measuring I did to make sure the spar spacings exactly match the fuselage will prove to be successful - we will see! It will probably be just into September before the next entry in the blog once I have retrieved the fuselage.