This was a job I was worried about: two 11ft lengths of expensive hard-to-get wood that needed a 9.5 degree bevel along one edge. The options were to plane it, to cut it on the table saw, or to cut it on the bandsaw. I decided to use the bandsaw with a new 4TPI blade. The bandsaw was screwed to the workbench and the bandsaw table was set at the required angle. A jig was constructed to keep the stock in position as it passed the blade. A few test cuts were done on some scrap timber and then it was time to do it for real. Supports were set up for the timber both before and after the bandsaw so there would be no moment trying to lift one end away from the table then the timber positioned and the cut started. The timber was slowly fed through and a perfect cut resulted with the offcut maintaining exactly the same wedge shape and dimensions throughout. The second spar was then bevelled in the same way and I could breathe again! Now I can really make a start on the wing construction.