Wednesday 9 September 2009

9th September 2009 - Right Aileron and Flap continued

Still no glue, so I carried on building the right aileron and flap. First 9 off 6" lengths of 3/8" * 0.035" tubing were welded to the torque tubes, 6 to the flap and 3 to the aileron, to act as ribs. Then the inboard end of the flap and outboard end of the aileron were constructed to length as per the plans and welded to the torque tubes. These are each made from two lengths of 3/8" steel channel. A string was then pulled tight between the ends and used to mark the final lengths of the ribs which were cut off using the angle grinder. The inboard end of the aileron and outboard end of the flap were then also constructed and welded into place sized and positioned to meet the string line. The tubular ribs were then flattened at the rear ends to fit inside the stainless steel "V" section trailing edge. Then the string line was used to ensure all of the ribs were precisely inline and small adjustments made where necessary, Finally the two sections of trailing edge were brazed onto the ribs. Next job is to weld into place locating plates for the hinges and covering support plates around them. Also the aileron has a mass balance welded to the front of the outboard end - details tomorrow.
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