20th October 2008 - Windscreen mounts, tabs 161-194
I bought some more Argon this morning, so first job was to complete the weld across the back of the channel that will support the rear of the windscreen. This and the channel on top of the rear spar carry through were then drilled for screws to fasten the aluminium panel which will close the gap between the windscreen and the top fabric. This will sit on a neoprene seal to ensure that the joint is watertight. Next I welded tabs 161 -194 onto the side and front windscreen bows. These were then drilled with an 1/8" drill as was the centre windscreen bow. The windscreen was then positioned into the rear channel and starting from the back was match drilled onto the tabs with a cleco positioned into each hole as it was drilled. The drill used was a special version for drilling acrylic. This has a much steeper angle on the point and does not grab the plastic in the way a normally ground drill can. Finally, the windscreen was clecoed into position front to back. Next job is to trim the edges back to the windscreen bows but this will have to wait for a bit as I'm probably not going to get anything done over the next week or so but normal service should be resumed first week in November.