Monday, 31 October 2011
30th October 2011 - Dzus fasteners
Friday, 28 October 2011
28th October 2011 - Starting painting
I can't do that until I install the rudder pedals and brakes but...
I can't do that until I install the forward inside floor but...
I can't do that until I install the forward outer floor but...
I can't do that until I have painted the underside of the fuselage so...
Today I set to to do that. I brief trial proved that painting the underside with the EkoFill primer/UV blocker was not going to be possible lying on the floor. However, without the tail feathers the airframe is currently pretty much neutrally balanced when in flying attitude and the centre of balance moves forward as the tail lifts. So the wheels were chocked and a cable attached to the horizontal stabiliser carry through and very carefully the aircraft was allowed to tip forward until the engine rested on some foam padding. This allowed enough access to the underside to work and get access with the spray gun.
The process is first to clean the fabric with some special cleaner that Stewart supply and then to wash off the detergent leaving the fabric damp. Then the first coat of EkoFill is brushed on with a foam brush. Once this is dry a second coat was brushed on using the brush at right angles to the first coat. Painting the tail while standing on a step ladder was slightly bizarre and the passing local traffic seemed distracted! While this coat was drying I decided to make a first attempt at using the Stewart EkoPoly top coat. I had previously prepared the spinner so this was an ideal test subject. The paint was mixed with the catalyst and then thinned with distilled water and then 4 coats were sprayed on alternating in direction about 10 minutes apart. The first coat came
Thursday, 27 October 2011
27th October 2011 - Main gear leg fairings
Wednesday, 26 October 2011
26th October 2011 - Cowl, Airscoop, and Airbox
It was clear that the only solution was some fairly major fibreglass surgery. The first job was to get the top of the air intake on the airbox to align just below the bottom of the lower cowl. Notches were cut in the flange of the top plate of the airbox just in front of the filter and the plate bent up about 15 degrees. Reinforcing angles were cut out and clecoed on the inside of the flanges to hold the angle. Then the fibreglass box was cut in half and the front section angled to match the bend. Slots were cut in the front edge of the rear section and heat used to bend the tabs in to butt join accurately with the front section.
Next the airscoop was cut in half horizontally. The lower cowl was cut out to match the top section of the airscoop which was then taped in place. The cowl was then refitted to the aircraft. This allowed the bottom section of the airscoop to be positioned which showed that it needed to be about 1/2" lower at the front and 1" at the back. The sides of the bottom section were notched to allow the front to curve up slightly. Some scrap aluminium was clecoed to the top section of the airscoop and the bottom section positioned to allow a small amount of clearance from the airbox. This was then drilled and clecoed to the aluminium.
I've ordered some vinylester resin which is what was used to construct the cowl so once this arrives I can glass over the various joints, spaces and notches. The resin can also be mixed with microballoons to make a lightweight filler to smooth over the various joints. The final job will be to make the flexible joint between the front of the airbox and the airscoop. This was pretty tricky on the RV but at least I've done it once before.
Tuesday, 25 October 2011
25trh October 2011 - Cowl and air filter
The lower cowl has to be cut out for the airscoop that feeds air into the filtered airbox so the basic construction of the airbox was started to allow the requisite measurements to be established. I need to construct the carburettor heat control and then I can rivet it together. The airbox kit is from Vans and is identical to the one I'm using on the RV9A.
24th October 2011 - Pitot mount and engine controls
The cable safes have arrived from ACS so I also mounted the cable support bracket between the sump and the carburettor and clamped the cable outers into place. The controls cables were cut to length and the controls adjusted so that full throttle and full-rich mixture both were achieved with the controls almost, but not quite, fully forward.
Sunday, 23 October 2011
23rd October 2011 - Covering completed
Saturday, 22 October 2011
22nd October 2011 - Six more finishing tapes to go
Friday, 21 October 2011
21st October 2011 - Still covering
Thursday, 20 October 2011
20th October 2011 - The last rib stitch
Today I started covering the left aileron. This uses a complete wrap of cloth from the leading edge around the trailing edge and back to the leading edge. The ends are folded over to complete the covering and then a separate piece of cloth was used to cover the counterbalance horn. Next job is the remaining finishing tapes for the elevators, the tapes for the aileron and then on to the other aileron and flaps.
Tuesday, 11 October 2011
11th October 2011 - Back to covering, elevators and HS
Monday, 10 October 2011
10th October 2011 - Fitting the cowl: part 1
Eventually a good fit had been established and it was time to take some pictures despite dusk falling. The next jobs are to properly cut and make the side joins, to fit the airscoop which will feed air to the carburettor, and to match drill and rivet permanent mounting strips to the firewall which will carry the cowl mountings.
I hope the pictures show what a super product Brian has produced. His cowl carries the lines of the fuselage perfectly and then blends them into the spinner surround. It also fits perfectly width-wise at both the top and bottom. Of course the overlap of the sides can be adjusted to make them fit perfectly as well. Using my O-235-C2C engine and a 4" propellor extension I had to cut off about 1-1/2" from the back of the cowl.
Saturday, 8 October 2011
7th October 2011 - Carburettor control mount
The view of the bracket is from the bottom of the engine with the front at the top and the cables coming in from the bottom.
Thursday, 6 October 2011
6th October 2011 - Aligning the alternator
Wednesday, 5 October 2011
5th October 2011 - Installing the engine
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