The seats have been designed to use the same size backs as the Vans RV9A and I had some foam left over from the Vans so with the purchase of a little more to complete the side bolsters and some three inch extra-firm for the seat bottoms I could construct the complete seats ready for upholstering using spray adhesive to stick the bits together. Foam is easy to cut accurately using the bandsaw but there are also firms that will cut it to a wide variety of shapes at very reasonable cost (in the UK
http://www.efoam.co.uk/ are great). Then I cut and installed a fill piece of aluminium between the front of the seat bottoms under where the flap lever sits in flaps up position. This was cut out for the centre tube to ensure that the maximum clearance from the flap lever was maintained. Next I cut out a paper pattern for the sides of the flap lever housing. The front curve is an arc centred on the flap pivot. The top of the housing is designed to be horizontal in normal flight attitude and will be padded as an armrest. Two pieces of aluminium were then cut and folded to the pattern remembering to make mirror image parts. Then a slot for the flap lever was cut in an aluminium strip to form the top of the housing and it was match drilled to the sides and clecoed into position. Finally, the seat foam was replaced to check clearances. The flap lever housing and the side panel nicely locate the seat bottom. If things work as planned the slot for the flap lever will be filled with brush style draft excluder to make a neat finish around the lever but allow free movement. Next I need to debur and rivet the flap lever housing and I've still a side panel to make for the right side of the aircraft. Still, I'm pleased with progress today.